what is up!
Well today is a gorgeous day here in the French Quarter of New Orleans. I hope it has been gorgeous where you are, too! It was a great day: breakfast with Taylor, late lunch with my parents and week 2 of the Bible study my mom and I are doing together, the pups I'm house-sitting have been good, my first day working at a hospital is tomorrow, I finished the book I'm reading... So yeah. Good day.
I know for sure that I want {Sunday thanks} posts to be a continual, regular thing here on peaches & magnolias. So here goes!
To Krista -- Thank you for driving all the way to the Quarter to hang out with me on Thursday! I have really enjoyed your friendship these last several months and I am looking forward to only becoming better friends from here on out. You are so lovely, so easy to talk to, such a wonderful friend!
To my EC Life Planner -- My 2013-2014 friend, your time as my lifeline is soon over. But fear not, as I am not one to throw such gorgeous works of art away. You will be stored away to where I can look over the events, due dates, and life things that you helped me remember to attend from time to time, fondly, as one of the greater years of my life. And I will hold onto you until my future husband tells me it's been 20 years and makes me throw you away. Sorry your demise will be so sad. But I promise to treasure you until then.
To Uncle Jeff -- Thank you for trusting your nephew's girlfriend with your gorgeous home, own two dogs, and best friend's dog (and for allowing the bar to be open for me). Your home is lovely, and I can honestly say I will miss my time in the Quarter. Please remember me for next time you go out of town!
To Ochsner -- Thank you for hiring me! I am definitely dreading 12-hour shifts, since I love my naps, snacks, and otherwise regular meal times, but I am so looking forward for the opportunity to do nurse things in a hospital! I really believe this experience will make me a better RN (one day).
To greasy cheeseburgers, perfectly-cooked grits, cookies n cream ice cream, and Royals -- oh, you. Making life more delicious. NOLA life is good.
Hope you have a delightfully restful Sunday and a glorious second week of June. Enjoy these long days while they last!!
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